
Play Time

Gus and I played in the yard while Wayne was working in his shop today. 

It started with him picking up a scrap of wood from the shop floor. 
 He walked around in circles until he got my attention.  
Then, the chase was on.....

"You can't see me!!"

Then, we worked in the flower beds for a bit.  I was digging up some dead plants and I thought (mistakenly) that it was cute that he was helping me dig.  Then I caught him doing this....

When I hollered "NO! Don't dig there!", this is the face that looked up at me....

Gotta love it!

1 comment:

Diane J. Evans said...

Gosh he's adorable!! What breed is Gus?


Gramma's Studio

  In my last post I mentioned that my granddaughter was coming for a visit and we were going to go through the cabinets in my studio.  I als...