
Italian Laundry

I'm not sure why I was so fascinated with laundry hanging from the windows in Italy, but I took several photos while I was there.  One lady was not pleased that I was taking a picture of her undies.  I meant no harm, but I guess us crazy Americans are just plain rude.  Especially the artists among us.  This photo just begged to be painted.  I'm not sure it is done yet.  But I like it so far. 


Anonymous said...

I love the subject. There's just something nostalgic about clothes on the line. Now when the clothes are on a line in Italy . . . that's just got to be beautiful! Your work is wonderful.

Margaret said...

LOL! I'm not sure I'd want you photographing my undies either! ;-) My socks and shirts though...okay!

Ah...but you are right, and your rendering of that vignette tells a lovely wee story.

Gramma's Studio

  In my last post I mentioned that my granddaughter was coming for a visit and we were going to go through the cabinets in my studio.  I als...