
New Portrait

The Urban Sketchers sketchcrawl in my last post was the shot in the arm that I needed to get busy sketching again.  I had been in a bit of a slump and hadn't drawn anything in a few months.  But I am back, excited and drawing everything around me again.  Recently, I spotted a beautiful young Jamaican woman who was greeting people as they entered the store where she was working.  I immediately started drawing her in my head.  I was too shy to ask if I could take a photo of her.  I was afraid she would think I was some kind of a nut.  But nothing stops Wayne.  He walked right up to her and explained that his wife is an artist and would like to take a photo of her.  She may have thought we were crazy, but she let me take the photo.  I gave her our blog address and I hope she will check in and see her portrait as it develops and leave a comment below.  



RETA said...

She IS beautiful. I love your beginning! Looking forward to seeing more.

Margaret said...

A lovely young woman! I'll bet your drawing will give her a thrill.

Gramma's Studio

  In my last post I mentioned that my granddaughter was coming for a visit and we were going to go through the cabinets in my studio.  I als...